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bestblockchainbasedgames| BASF shares tumbled more than 4 percent as its battery materials plant cut jobs after operations were blocked



drakecasinonodepositbonus| China Metallurgical Industry's Troubled Autumn: Affected by real estate enterprises, the former president retired only 5 months after investigation, once defined as "significant contribution"

栏目:balckjack 评论 0
drakecasinonodepositbonus| China Metallurgical Industry's Troubled Autumn: Affected by real estate enterprises, the former president retired only 5 months after investigation, once defined as "significant contribution"

近日,中国冶金科工股份有限公司(下称“中国中冶”SH 601618)的原总裁张孟星,被公布因涉嫌严重违纪违法正在接受调查。值得提到的是,这距离他从中国中冶退休仅5个月的时间。 2023年11月,中国中冶公告张孟星退休时,还表示对他为公司做出的“重大贡献”给予“高度肯定”。值得提到的是,退休当年,张孟星还荣登2023年福布斯中国最佳CEO。业内人士表示,如果时间只截止到2023年,那么张孟星的职业生涯可以说是画上了完美句号。 曾给予高度评价 近日,据中国五...
